Spam Filter Update

August 19, 2010 in Smile News by admin  |  Comments Off on Spam Filter Update

Update: The queue on the primary gateway server is back to normal, but the secondary gateway is still processing it’s own queue. We have more reports of mail from overnight being delivered, however still can’t guarantee that all mail will be delivered.

Update: we have reports of mail from over night being delivered, although we can’t be certain yet if all mail sent over night has queued. Mail is still delayed this morning, while the servers work on the queue, and some users may see a larger volume of spam temporarily.

A spam filter update, which was supposed to fix some intermittent issues with receiving mail from blackberry devices caused a problem with the filters last night. We’ve removed the update and are now processing the backlog of mail.

We’re investigating if any mail was rejected from the issue.

Smile Internet Voicemail

August 17, 2010 in Smile News by admin  |  Comments Off on Smile Internet Voicemail

We’ve also been notified that there was a problem with our voicemail during this outage, and there was no outgoing message.

We certainly apologize for “dropping off the face of the earth”.

Service is restored

August 17, 2010 in Smile News by admin  |  Comments Off on Service is restored

Aug 17 5:00pm Pacific Time: The data center found that someone at the Seattle Internet Exchange building had moved all of their redundant power supplies to the same power source and that power source failed.

The resulting power issues caused a problem with a router, which required onsite personnel to repair.

There may be intermittent service for the next hour while they finish making final adjustments to the routers.

Status Update

August 17, 2010 in Smile News by admin  |  Comments Off on Status Update
We received an update from the technicians in Seattle. There was an issue with a bank of UPS’s. When it was resolved the primary router did not come up normally. They are working on bringing that router up and service will be restored shortly.

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