Spam Filtering Upgrades

June 11, 2010 in Smile News by admin  |  Comments Off on Spam Filtering Upgrades

We have seen spam volume increase by a large amount over the past month. Yesterday we implemented some additional filtering. Some of these filters appear to be a bit over-aggressive.

We have scaled back on the filters, and mail should be back to fairly normal as of Saturday morning. If you have bounce messages, or other issues, please let us know with as many specifics as possible, so we can continue to refine the rules.

Web Services Issue

April 2, 2010 in Smile News by admin  |  Comments Off on Web Services Issue

4:35 am April 2, 2010 – One of the Smile web servers is experiencing a problem. We are working on the problem and should have it resolved shortly.

Smile Internet Limited Technical Support

January 31, 2010 in Smile News by admin  |  Comments Off on Smile Internet Limited Technical Support

Smile Internet will have limited technical support from Monday March 1, 2010 until Thursday March 10, 2010.

We will still have our standard 24/7 monitoring, however billing and technical support responses may be delayed while some staff are on vacation.

Ehanced Spam Filter Blacklist Issue

January 29, 2010 in Smile News by admin  |  Comments Off on Ehanced Spam Filter Blacklist Issue

The enhanced mail filters experienced an issue where mail was bouncing overnight for some customers due to an issue with a Realtime Blacklist. This issue has been resolved and mail is flowing normally.

This issue only effected some customer, including customers using the Smile domains, including,, etc.

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SmileMail v2.0




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