Smile suffered an issue with the authentication system for email users. The issue was intermittent, and not all users were affected. The problem was isolated and repaired by noon pacific time, and authentication returned to normal. A very small number of users experienced issues with Outlook and were receiving errors. Deleting the account in Outlook and recreating it resolved the issue.
Mail Server Slowdown
Smile experienced a brief slowdown today. It appears that one or more servers at blackberry made a very large number of connections which caused the server to delay connections to some Smile users, and cause others to time out. The problem has been corrected.
Mail Errors
Smile experienced intermittent errors on webmail, and to a lesser extent on the POP system. We have corrected these problems and the system is back working normally again.
Mail Queue Processing
We are closely monitoring the mail queue, and backlog of messages. The spool is processing, and the server has accepted the mail, and is processing into mailboxes now, as well as managing everyone’s backlog of send messages. There are still a large number of messages to process, but it appears that the majority of mail will be processed within the next hour.