Some circuits at our data center lost power for a short period on the inside of the UPS system. The outage may have been human error. Our servers came up when the power was restored.
Memory Failure
One of Smile’s primary mail servers experienced a memory failure this evening. The memory was replaced and the server came back online normally. Our spam filters and mx servers continued to receive mail, and no mail was lost.
Internet Slow Down
Smile Internet, and a number of other providers in the Seattle area are seeing an internet service slow down. We are working to move our connectivity completely to our secondary circuit and should have that completed shortly.
We will update this page as more information becomes available.
Update: The router that was causing the slowdown was repaired, and full service was restored. Intermittent service lasted about 35 minutes, with a short outage period.
New Spam Filter
Spam continues to be our #1 issue on a day to day basis here at Smile. The volume of spam keeps growing, and recently has been overwhelming our spam filters. Last week we brought our newest spam filter online, and we are seeing less spam getting through, and mail is getting through the filters faster.
You have probably noticed the pdf spam, where you receive an email with a few words in the body and a pdf file attached. This one has been particularly hard to filter, without filtering wanted pdf files, since frequently people who are attaching pdf files type a few words into the body of the message, it’s almost impossible to get a computer to tell the difference.
We’re continuing to tweak the filters, to keep the spam to a minimum.