Smile Global Web/Email Services have been restored

March 10, 2016 in Server Status by admin  |  No Comments

We’ve restored service for all email and web hosting customers. Unfortunately, we lost a couple of servers during the power outage. However, these systems were slated to be replaced and decommissioned in the coming weeks, so this will certainly expedite this process. We will be rebuilding the failed hosts over the weekend and aggressively moving forward with email migrations to the new SmileMail platform this weekend.

Please expect an update on our Status website and via email regarding migrations this weekend. We will send out instructions containing the configuration items that will need to be changed, and then bulk adding users to the new system. We’d like to avoid any future unnecessary downtime, so please work with us to get switched over to the new platform this weekend.

We apologize for the inconvenience this unexpected downtime has created and appreciate your patience and understanding while we’ve worked through the issue. If you are still waiting for a follow-up from a ticket, please be patient — we received hundreds of notifications that are in the process of being processed.

Thank you,

Smile Global Support Staff

**UPDATED: Email Down

March 10, 2016 in Server Status by admin  |  No Comments

3/10/2016 @ 11:53AM: We are currently experiencing issues with our legacy email cluster. Support Engineers are working on the issue and hope to have it addressed shortly.

Thank you for your patience,

Smile Global


UPDATE 3/10/2016 @1:16PM: This issue has been resolved. We apologize for the lengthy downtime. There was corruption in one of the databases after a server reboot which took place last night. We’ve repaired the corruption, and all services should be functional.

Thank you for your patience,

Smile Global


UPDATE 3/10/2016 @8:16PM: There was a power issue at the datacenter which downed several important hosts. We are in the process of getting these servers back up and running at this time. Customers on the new SmileMail cluster should not be affected, as well as web hosting customers. At this time our two primary email gateways are in the process of being brought back online. We apologize for this inconvenience and are working diligently to restore services ASAP.

Thank you for your patience,

Smile Global

Smile Customer Portal Maintenance

December 19, 2015 in Scheduled Maintenance, Smile News by admin  |  No Comments

We will be performing maintenance on the Customer Portal/Billing Site today (12/19/2015), between the hours of 4PM and 6PM.

During this time our billing system will be unavailable – please check back for status updates.

Thank you,

Smile Support Team



UPDATE: 12/19/2015 @6PM — We’ve completed system maintenance and migrated our billing system/Customer portal to a brand new server! Please let us know if you experience any issues.

Smile Customer Portal/Billing System Maintenace

December 11, 2015 in Scheduled Maintenance by admin  |  Comments Off on Smile Customer Portal/Billing System Maintenace

We will be performing maintenance and upgrading our billing system tonight (12/11/2015), between the hours of 10PM and 12AM.

During this time our billing system may be unavailable – please check back for status updates.

Thank you,

Smile Support Team

System Status





SmileMail v2.0




Customer Portal


Smile Website

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