Legacy SmileMail Email, Webmail, Managemail currently offline

August 7, 2018 in Server Status by admin  |  Comments Off on Legacy SmileMail Email, Webmail, Managemail currently offline

**UPDATE — 2018-08-08 @ 11:32PM:  We’ve completed the setup of the new mail system to host legacy clients. 99% of the domains have been restored, and we are currently performing a couple of post-migration tasks that will resolve any issues you may experience regarding messages not appearing in webmail or your email clients. Since the infrastructure on the back-end was upgraded, the new server needs to index all of the mailboxes we just migrated — so this issue should be resolved soon the re-indexing takes place.  

FROM THIS POINT ON — if you are using a “Smile-owned” domain name (e.g.; smileglobal.com, smilegram.com, cdemail.com, etc.), you will need to change the incoming & outgoing server names in your email client to: qmt.smileglobal.com

You will also need to enable SMTP Authentication, and use your email address + password for login info. Make sure you select port 587 and enable STARTSSL.

New Webmail URL: https://qmt.smileglobal.com/roundcubemail
New ManageMail URL: https://qmt.smileglobal.com/qmailadmin

*NOTE: The URL’s above will change back to webmail.smileglobal.com & managemail.smileglobal.com in the next week or so. The “QMT” URL’s listed above will still remain valid.

We apologize for the extended outage. At this time, we are fixing a couple of issues with mailing lists and aliases/forwards — but everything else should be operational. If you notice any problems please submit a trouble ticket  https://manage.smileglobal.com/submitticket.php

Thank you,
Smile Support Team

**UPDATE — 2018-08-08 @ 12:06AM:  Our legacy email system has experienced a serious failure platform failure, requiring that a new server be setup and all legacy domains and mailboxes get migrated immediately.  
We’ve built the new server and are currently in the process of running local backups of all remaining legacy domains. Backups will then be uploaded to the new server as they complete and will be restored once the transfers have completed. We apologize for the extended downtime and assure you we are working as quickly as possible to get this resolved. You’ll be able to access email via webmail from the link on our website once this is completed https://web1.smileglobal.com/roundcube/

There will be some configuration changes needed on your mobile devices and email clients in regards to sending/receiving email (you’ll need to change your incoming/outgoing server hostname to “qmt.smileglobal.com” , set port 587 for the SMTP server, and enable SMTP authentication — then use your email address & password for the credentials).

Smile-owned domain names In-Progress:

Completed Domains:

Initial Issue:

We are currently experiencing an issue that is affecting our legacy email platform, webmail, and our managemail control panel. This issue is also preventing delivery of emails to smileglobal.com

Please hang tight while we work on a resolution and check back later for a status update. We apologize for the inconvenience and are working as quickly as we can to restore service.

*NOTE: All clients hosted on the new SmileMail platform are unaffected.

Thank you for your patience,
Smile Support Team

Posted in Server Status.

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