We recently made a few changes to our Spam filtering service…
We have been notified by several customers that some mail has been incorrectly identified (false-positive) as spam or unwanted email. We are addressing those issues as soon as we are informed of the problem. If you a noticing legitimate email being marked as spam, please check out the following Knowledgebase article.
You may have noticed some of your emails were tagged with the following Subject: ***SPAM*** – [Smile Global Gateway Filtering Service] –
and then the original email subject was displayed after the tagged portion.
Unfortunately, one thing that we overlooked was that the length of the tagged subject was quite long and made it difficult to see what the actual message subject was (especially on mobile devices and webmail). This has been changed back to our standard: [SPAM] – message.
Our solution was to add a custom message header that is added to the source of each message received by our Gateway Filtering Service. Here is an example: