Smile’s data center is experiencing an internet issue. We are in contact with them and they should have the issue resolved shortly.
Some Messages Being Bounced
— Update Nov 11 5:30 pm Pacific Time
We’ve been about to, we believe, successfully route around the outgoing mail issues. It appears that someone used their Smile account to send some number of spam messages, and we have been put on some blacklists. Some of the lists are considerably more helpful than others. They have a difficult job, and do provide a good service, it’s just difficult when you get on them, and you’re not someone the size of comcast or google.
Thanks for your patience. Please continue to forward any bounce messages you get from mail you’ve sent out.
We have had issues with spam blacklists, and have made some changes to keep outgoing mail flowing. The latest change has resulted in messages to some domains bouncing. We have followed up, and cannot find a reason that the server we’re using is being bounced.
We are working on the issue, and hope to have it resolved shortly.
PLEASE send any bounce messages you’re receiving to support or open a trouble ticket at
Spam Filter Updates
Over the past 10 days or so, we’ve received an order of new servers, and implemented a new primary spam filter. We are confident that this will resolve some of the missing mail issues that some users have reported. To keep from losing any mail, the new spam filter was set at a fairly liberal setting for filtering, so that more spam will squeak through, but very little mail will be unnecessarily tagged.
We’re updating and adjusting that server to be more restrictive, mark more spam, and we’re looking for a good balance between marking unwanted mail and letting wanted mail get through.
Please let us know, either with a trouble ticket, or email to support, how the filtering is working.
Data Center Outage
Our data center had an issue with a client, and we had reduced internet connectivity for a period of time today. They have things fixed and we’re all back to normal.