Connectivity issues with primary webserver

June 27, 2013 in Server Status by admin  |  No Comments

We experienced several connectivity issues shortly after midnight today (June 27th, 2013), and began immediately working on evaluating the situation and working towards a solution.

By 8am we were able to have the server back online, along with our websites and all the customer sites that were hosted on the machine. We are still reviewing the logs on the server to determine the exact nature of the outage, and don’t have a definitive diagnosis at this point – however, early indicators are suggesting that it was a combination of a Distributed-denial-of-service (or DDOS) attack which started this whole thing off, and then a problem with the RAID array in the server itself, which prevented the machine from completing its boot sequence.

Thank you for your patience, and we are truly sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you.

Smile Support Staff

Spam filtering changes

June 20, 2013 in Server Status by admin  |  No Comments

We recently made a few changes to our Spam filtering service…

We have been notified by several customers that some mail has been incorrectly identified (false-positive) as spam or unwanted email. We are addressing those issues as soon as we are informed of the problem. If you a noticing legitimate email being marked as spam, please check out the following Knowledgebase article.

You may have noticed some of your emails were tagged with the following Subject: ***SPAM*** – [Smile Global Gateway Filtering Service] –

and then the original email subject was displayed after the tagged portion.

Unfortunately, one thing that we overlooked was that the length of the tagged subject was quite long and made it difficult to see what the actual message subject was (especially on mobile devices and webmail).  This has been changed back to our standard: [SPAM] – message.

Our solution was to add a custom message header that is added to the source of each message received by our Gateway Filtering Service. Here is an example:

X-Spam-Technical-Details: [Smile Global Gateway Filtering Service] – Support information:
This message was scanned by: and received a score of: -95.9
This system will flag a message as spam if the score is greater than 5.
If you feel this was in error, please visit

Brief Email Service Disruption

June 10, 2013 in Server Status by admin  |  No Comments

We experienced a brief service outage on one of our Email servers just after 4:00AM PST this morning.  This disruption in service was caused by a termination of the connection between the authentication database and the mail server software.

Our server team began addressing the problem right away, and had it fixed within 20 minutes. All services should be back online and operational at this point in time.

If you continue to experience problems or are being prompted for your credentials in your mail application, please DO NOT try to change the password as it is likely fallout from the authentication issue we had earlier; instead, close your mail application – wait a few minutes, and then give it another try.

Please open a trouble ticket from within our customer portal if you need additional support or have questions.

Thank you for your patience,

Smile Support Team

Email Server Outage

February 23, 2013 in Server Status by admin  |  Comments Off on Email Server Outage

We are currently experiencing problems with one of our Email servers and are working to get it back online as quickly as possible. These problems began at roughly 5PM PST – and we are working to get the problem taken care of promptly.

UPDATE: As of 6:30PM PST Email Service has been restored on Q2. We apologize for the unexpected downtime and the inconvenience it may have caused you.

The good news, however is that we installed a brand new drive into the problematic server and implemented an additional layer of redundancy to prevent problems like this from happening again.

Thank you for your patience,

Smile Support Team

System Status





SmileMail v2.0




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